Ricardo do Rosário Oliveira


Law Degree, at Nova University, Faculty of Law (2016-2020)
Master’s Degree in Business Law, at Portuguese Catholic University, Lisbon School of Law, having finished the academic phase of the 2020-2021 course, currently writing his master´s dissertation, with the theme “De facto Administrators and their civil liability”.


Joined the Law Firm as a trainee lawyer in January 2022
Member of/ Admitted to the Portuguese Bar Association as a trainee lawyer since September 2021
Trainee lawyer at Teixeira de Freitas, Rodrigues e Associados, between July 2021 and January 2022
Summer Internship at the law firm “Schiappa Cabral e Associados”, in 2020
Summer internship at the bank “Novo Banco”, in 2019
Main practice areas: Commercial and Corporate Law, Civil Law and litigation.


"O Incumprimento da Cláusula de Fidelização" e "O Recurso da Decisão Arbitral" in: Casos Práticos de Direito do Consumo, coordenação de Jorge Morais Carvalho, 2019, Almedina (ISBN 9789724080918).


Portuguese, English

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