Gonçalo Trovão do Rosário


Law Degree, at Lisbon University, Faculty of Law (2021).

Postgraduate in Theory and Practice of Administrative and Tax Litigation, at Lisbon University, Faculty of Law (2021).

Postgraduate in Public Procurement Law, at Lisbon University, Faculty of Law (2022).

Master’s in Administrative Law (currently)


Administrative Law Tutor (2021).

Has held several academic positions and as a student representative – such as President of the European Law Students’ Association of the University of Lisbon.

Before joining the Law Firm, he was a Legal Interna at the Portuguese Treasury and Debt Management Agency (2022), and was Administrative Law Consultant at Trovão do Rosário & Associados (2021-2022)

Joined the Law Firm in November 2022.

Main practice areas: Administrative Law, Urban Planning Law, Land Use Planning Law, Energy and Natural Resources Law, Administrative Litigation and Environmental Law.



Portuguese, English, Mandarin

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