Manuel Côrte-Real de Albuquerque


Graduated in Law from the Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University in 2021, with Good.

Master's student in Law and Legal Science, specializing in Commercial Law and Corporate Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, having completed the academic part of the master's degree with an average mark of 18. He is currently writing his master's thesis on Shareholder Agreements.

Enrolled on the XI Postgraduate Course in Corporate Finance Law, at the Private Law Research Centre (CIDP).


Professional internship at beck rechtsanwälte, 2022, Hamburg and professional internship at Schmitt und Sohn Aufzüge, Nuremberg, 2023.

He collaborated with the Portuguese Ambassador to Germany in Berlin, 2022, which resulted in the article entitled "O Sistema Judicial alemão, um breve excurso sobre o modelo de organização judiciária.", published in Revista de Direito Civil, Ano VII, (2022) Número 4.

He is also the author of other studies, including:

  • "Unidade inicial de quotas e pluralidade e independência subsequente nas sociedades por quotas", published in Revista de Direito das Sociedades, Year XV (2023), Number 2.
  • "O pacto de não exigir (pactum de non petendo) e a responsabilidade civil. Sobre os limites à inexigibilidade da pretensão nos tribunais judiciais e arbitrais", co-authored with António Barroso Rodrigues, Revista de Direito da Responsabilidade, 2024.
  • Review of the study "Estruturas básicas do Direito delitual alemão”, co-authored with António Barroso Rodrigues, Revista de Direito Civil, Year IX (2024) Number 1.
  • Translation of the study "Grundstrukturen des deutschen Delikstrechts", VersR (2005), 577-584, by Claus-Wilhelm Canaris, co-authored with António Barroso Rodrigues, Civil Law Magazine, Year IX (2024), Number 1.
  • Collaborator to the 3rd Edition (2024) of Direito das Obrigações - Contratos em Especial - Vol. I, by Pedro de Albuquerque.

He has been working as a legal consultant with the firm since September 2022, having started his traineeship at the Portuguese Bar Association.

Legal consultant in the areas of Administrative Law, Property and Real Estate Law, Corporate Law and Commercial Law.


Portuguese, English, Spanish and German.

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