Law Degree, Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon (FDL), in July 1984.
Member of the Portuguese Bar Association since 1986.
Begun practicing law with Jorge Corrêa do Amaral at his law office, as trainee and associate lawyer - from April 1985 until October 1987.
Legal Advisor to several companies in different economic areas: financial and securities market, construction, real estate, pharmaceutical industry, cosmetic industry, agricultural and food industry, consumer products, advertising, distribution and logistics - from 1987 until now.
Legal Manager of an American consumer products multinational company established in Portugal, with responsibility over all legal areas of the company, in direct contact with the European Legal Departments of the company – from June 1991 until December 1997.
Director of ICAP-Instituto da Autodisciplina da Publicidade (Institute of Advertising Self Regulation) - from 1992 to 1998.
Member of JE – Júri de Ética Publicitária (Jury of Advertising Ethics) – from 1992 to 2002.
President of Section 2 of JE – from 2002 to 2005.
Main legal practice areas: Corporate, Financial and Securities Market, Commercial, Contract, Advertising, Real Estate, Consumer Products, Distribution and Logistic.
Portuguese, English, French